First U-ELCOME Advisory Board in Bari (Italy)

We are going to organise the 1st U-ELCOME Advisory Board (ADB) Workshop in Bari (Italy) on the 24th of October 2023 catching the opportunity to offer to our Advisory Board members also the opportunity to attend the linked “Drones Beyond 2023” Conference and Exhibition event scheduled on the following two days in the same location (i.e. 25th and 26th of October 2023). See you […]

U-ELCOME Italian Cluster flight demos took the flight

Today the official Flight demo campaign of the U-ELCOME Italian Cluster lead by ENAV starts. We are flying today in North Italy with 5 drones in contemporary for Search and Rescue operations and risk response and also on South Italy for inspection of solar panel performed by TopView are demonstrating the market uptake of #uspace services provided by D-Flight.   Several […]

U-ELCOME at the Sesar 3 Joint Annual Conference

Industry leaders gathering in Brussels today for the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking Annual Conference are giving their backing to the launch of a campaign to update the European ATM Master Plan, the official roadmap driving ATM modernisation efforts… and our project, #UELCOME has been represented there.