
U-Space development


Progressive & Iterative development


Each with its own approach

Each with its own initial readiness level

Coordinated (interoperability)


All clusters to implement & validate U1 services

U2 services will be covered depending on operation needs

Market uptake

Development first internally & progressively

To the external

Task 1

U-space ecosystem identification for the different scenarios by considering a set of parameters such as (non exhaustive) air and ground scenario configuration, UAS performances, available U-space CNS infrastructure ATM environment, weather data, airspace rules, etc…

Task 2

U-space ecosystem adaptation, integration & factory acceptance testing performed under agile methodology for the different U-space system components (USSP/CISP systems, airborne and ground equipment, CNS infrastructure and any other required infrastructure)

Task 3

U-space scenarios site deployment considering operation typology, flight plan, authorizations, required infrastructure, risk mitigation measures, other additional requirements

Task 4

Acceptance testing and demonstration setting up and execution at the different sites

Task 5

System interoperability testing througt USSP system adaptation to different CISP developments

Task 6

Data collection and pre-analysis of results and outcomes according to pre-defined harmonization metrics to provide findings for and feed
standardization and regulatory bodies as EASA, EUROCAE, ASTM, ISO, etc…

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U-ELCOME Harmonisation Webinar Registration 31/05/23 – 01/06/23

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This project has received funding from European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment

Executive Agency (CINEA) under grant agreement No. 101079171.